How to switch

Switching your managing agent

Whether you are a Freeholder or a Leaseholder, Connect UK are here to guide you through the process of switching your managing agent.

If you are the Freeholder or a Director of a Right to Manage Company (RTM), it is easy to change to your Managing Company. A review of the contract you have signed and agreed with the Managing Agent will identify any notice periods or triggers that will allow you to end the contract. Once the notice is given or the contract is terminated, you will be able to appoint a new Managing Agent.

If you need more advice or legal aid in regards to how to switch, please book a free consultation or call us on 01293 665642

Many leaseholders assume that the management comes with the block and that they are unable to change their management agent.

In fact, leaseholders can organise a new property management company if they believe their block manager is unsatisfactory and are not fulfilling the management of the block.

Before changing your block manager ensure that you understand your type of lease and your legal rights as this will become important in changing your managing agents.

Changing your managing agent can be far from easy. However, we’ve outlined ways to change block management company.

    • Speaking directly with the freeholder.
    • Claiming the Right to Manage.
    • Making a request to the First Tier Tribunal to appoint a manager.
    • Buying the Freehold.

If you need more advice or legal aid in regards to how to switch, please book a free consultation or call us on 01293 665642

Our success stories

Richmond House

The last agent poorly managed this block which left it in financial difficulty (over £18,000 worth of debt). Connect UK rejuvenated this commercial block and brought the debt up to date. Connect UK also budgeted for a reserve fund for this block so any maintenance issues that arise can be dealt with swiftly.

The Greenview

This unit of flats had been running at a loss for the last two years and maintenance jobs were delayed due to no funds available. Connect UK brought the arrears up to date, put a reserve fund in place and started to work on the outstanding maintenance to make the block more modern and up to date.

Broadfield Barton

We took over this mixed precinct of commercial and residential units due to poor management. The previous agent over spent and budgeted poorly, missing out vital maintenance. We corrected the budget and are now saving on the maintenance issues that arise by using local contractors.